Prepping Gear for Field Use
General approach
When packing my work and emergency gear I remind myself that the next I see that kit I may be scared, cold, calorically depleted, and exhausted. My environment could be dark, wet, chaotic, and otherwise inhospitable. Those factors add friction. Friction is bad. We want operations to go smoothly. If we reduce friction in small ways in multiple areas the cumulative effect may be significant. Properly prepping equipment is one of those areas where small changes add up.
Field References
Anyone who has worked with me or attended one of my classes knows how much I like references in the field. Here’s a list of what I’ve got.
Diagnostics Kit
I have built a basic diagnostics kit that travels with me around the world. When I’m going somewhere for work or for fun I bring this kit. It allows me to get a set of vital signs and potentially determine the source of a problem such as hypoglycemia or a UTI.
Mosul, Iraq – Trauma Stabilization Point: July 2017
We operated 1.5km from the heaviest fighting in Old City, Mosul as Daesh made their brutal last stand in the city.
Continue reading “Mosul, Iraq – Trauma Stabilization Point: July 2017”
Mosul, Iraq: Preface and Day 1
I remember trying to sort out if I couldn’t stop the attack, if I was paralyzed by fear, or I was unwilling to stop it. I recall having their blood on me.
Mosul, Iraq: Day 2
Awoken at 2308 by a hail of gun fire from inside our compound.
Continue reading “Mosul, Iraq: Day 2”
Mosul, Iraq: Day 3
Felt an explosion for the first time. Shook the house a little.
Continue reading “Mosul, Iraq: Day 3”
Mosul, Iraq: Day 4
Started the day with burned civilians and soldiers from a vbied. Greater number of suicide attacks today.
Continue reading “Mosul, Iraq: Day 4”
Mosul, Iraq: Day 5
Baby with massive head injury, I pronounced [dead] in front of mom, she was crying, I almost did but it was in the middle of an MCI, I wrapped the child in a space blanket and went to attend to another kid.
Continue reading “Mosul, Iraq: Day 5”
Mosul, Iraq: Day 6
We packaged the child for the mother to mourn.
Guest Post: Life of a Vessel Medical Officer
There’s a reason why the Discovery Channel has a show dedicated to Alaskan fishermen. “The Deadliest Catch” portrays this field as an extremely harsh and dangerous work environment for the fishermen, but this also holds true for those of us who choose to practice medicine in it.
Continue reading “Guest Post: Life of a Vessel Medical Officer”
Gear Review: Benchmade Auto Triage
The feature that makes this knife different from other folders is the inclusion of the rescue hook. The hook is designed to cut clothing and gear away from someone in an emergency. All of the Benchmade rescue hooks use a similar design with different size handles. The AutoTriage takes their field tested rescue hook design and connects it to a spring loaded mechanism to deploy it from the handle of the knife.
Music from Kurdistan and Iraq
Here’s a mix of music I heard in Kurdistan and Iraq and still enjoy.
Artist: Ahmed Jwad
Song: Abn Aliraq
Note: Basically an ISOF theme song. The video is worth watching just for the dude’s beard, but I also happen to love the music.
The posts on this site are my content. They reflect my experience, knowledge, opinions, biases, and while I make a concerted effort to ensure content is accurate please do your own homework and take nothing, here or elsewhere, as gospel. I will cite sources when possible. If you find an inaccuracy please feel free to contact me.