Prepping Gear for Field Use

General approach

When packing my work and emergency gear I remind myself that the next I see that kit I may be scared, cold, calorically depleted, and exhausted. My environment could be dark, wet, chaotic, and otherwise inhospitable. Those factors add friction. Friction is bad. We want operations to go smoothly. If we reduce friction in small ways in multiple areas the cumulative effect may be significant. Properly prepping equipment is one of those areas where small changes add up. 

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Gear Review: Benchmade Auto Triage

The feature that makes this knife different from other folders is the inclusion of the rescue hook. The hook is designed to cut clothing and gear away from someone in an emergency. All of the Benchmade rescue hooks use a similar design with different size handles. The AutoTriage takes their field tested rescue hook design and connects it to a spring loaded mechanism to deploy it from the handle of the knife.

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