Anyone who has worked with me or attended one of my classes knows how much I like references in the field. Here’s a list of what I’ve got.
Diagnostics Kit
I have built a basic diagnostics kit that travels with me around the world. When I’m going somewhere for work or for fun I bring this kit. It allows me to get a set of vital signs and potentially determine the source of a problem such as hypoglycemia or a UTI.
Gear Review: Benchmade Auto Triage
The feature that makes this knife different from other folders is the inclusion of the rescue hook. The hook is designed to cut clothing and gear away from someone in an emergency. All of the Benchmade rescue hooks use a similar design with different size handles. The AutoTriage takes their field tested rescue hook design and connects it to a spring loaded mechanism to deploy it from the handle of the knife.
My diagnostics kit
I’ve found that having my own diagnostics kit when I travel (for work or for fun) can be useful. Over the course of a few years I’ve modified it, but for the last year it has stayed largely unchanged. I don’t have anything crazy in the kit and it is small enough that tossing it in a day pack or messenger bag isn’t an issue.